Number Times in Status Report Gadget Cloud
The Number Times in Status Report shows the number of times each issue was in each status.
- Shows the number of times each issue was in each status
- Can configure the statuses to count.
- Can configure group by different issue fields.
- Can configure additional field for display and order them with drag and drop
- Can be exported to Excel to get raw data for other processing
Gadget Configuration
Title: Set the title of the gadget
Filter: Select the filter to show.
Statuses: Select the statuses to count. While configuring statuses you can order it with drag and drop.
Group By: Group the data by an issue field. The options are Issue Fields and Customfields of types single select.
Additional Fields: Select one or more additional fields to display in the gadget view. While configuring additional fields you can order it with drag and drop.
Gadget View
1: This is the title of the gadget
2: This is the information of the number of issues showed in the chart and the selected filter. If not all issues in filter are showed you can fetch more
3: The information of the number of times each issue was in each status