Worklog Report Gadget
Worklog Report Gadget
Worklog report displays worked hours by issue. It has extensive configuration options including Filter, User, Weeks to show and the Show subtasks options.
- Displays summary of worked hours of filter issues.
- Can be select only the user selected worked hours.
- Can be exported to Excel to get raw worked hours for other processing.
Gadget Configuration
Saved Filter: Select the filter to show.
Period: Select the period
Num Weeks: Type the number of weeks to show
User filter: Select the user to show worklogs. If not user selected it shows worklogs for all users
Show Subtasks: To show subtasks
Group By: Group the worklogs by a issue field. The options are Project, Issuetype, Reporter, Assignee, Priority and the Select Customfields
Gadget View
%: Indicates the progress of time spent of the issue
Grid numbers: Indicated the hours spent by day