Publish to Confluence shows "Successfully published." but no Confluence Page is created/updated


When the user clicks on the Publish to Confluence button it returns “successfully created” but no Confluence Page is created/updates.

In the Browser if you press the F12 key, the response to the Publish button is something like this:


{"result":{"reason":"Bad Request","data":{"valid":true,"authorized":false,"allowedInReadOnlyMode":true,"errors":[],"successful":false},"message":"Error parsing xhtml: Unexpected character 'A' (code 65) excepted space, or '>' or \"/>\"\r\n at [row,col]: [1,13459]","statusCode":400}}



This error was caused due to a bug on Smart Project Config & Documentation version prior to 3.1.1.


Upgrade Smart Project Config & Documentation to version 3.1.1 or higher