User Data

Smart Jira Configuration is designed to not store any user data, therefore the migration to cloud is really simple.

Config Data


Smart Jira Configuration is storing in the project properties the following attributes:

For one project you can get this property using the Jira REST API{projectIdOrKey}/properties-getProperty.

1. Perform a GET call to:


The result is:

	"key": "smartConfig",
	"value": {
		"options": "projectInformation,projectSchemes,projectIssuetypes,projectVersions,projectComponents,projectMembers,projectCustomfields,projectGlobalActions,projectWorkflowActions",
		"issuetypes": "10002#Task,10003#Sub-task"

Where the issuetypes attribute has the issuetypeId#issuetypeName of each issuetypes you got the documentation last time.

2. Replace the Jira Server/DC issuetypeIds by the corresponding Cloud issuetypeIds

In Cloud you can set a project property using the Jira REST API

1. Perform a PUT call to:


with the value of the smartConfig property value as body data

	"options": "projectInformation,projectSchemes,projectIssuetypes,projectVersions,projectComponents,projectMembers,projectCustomfields,projectGlobalActions,projectWorkflowActions",
	"issuetypes": "10002#Task,10003#Sub-task"

View Smart Inline Helper Permission

To set the same permissions to Smart Inline Helper feature, grant Smart Inline Helper Permission in the expected permission schemes on Cloud as a Jira Administrator.